Karanliğin İçinden - The Miracle Worker (1962) Türkçe Dublaj
31 Aralık 2016 Cumartesi

Karanliğin İçinden - The Miracle Worker (1962) Türkçe Dublaj
Film Özeti :
The true story of Helen Keller and Annie Sullivan, a gripping battle to overcome impossible obstacles and the struggle to communicate. As a young girl, Helen Keller is stricken with scarlet fever. The illness leaves her blind, mute, and deaf. Sealed off from the world, Helen cannot communicate with anyone, nor anyone with her. Often frustrated and desperate, Helen flies into uncontrollable rages and tantrums that terrify her hopeless family. The gifted teacher Annie Sullivan is summoned by the family to help the girl understand the world from which she is isolated, freeing Helen Keller from her internal prison forever.
Film Künyesi
Film Adı
The Miracle Worker (1962)
Alternatif Film Adları
(original title) | The Miracle Worker |
Argentina | Ana de los milagros |
Austria | Licht im Dunkel |
Brazil | O Milagre de Anne Sullivan |
Denmark | Helen Kellers triumf |
Spain | El milagro de Ana Sullivan |
Finland | Ihmeidentekijä |
France | Miracle en Alabama |
Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title) | To thavma tis Annie Sullivan |
Hungary | A csodatevő |
Italy | Anna dei miracoli |
Mexico | Ana de los milagros |
Mexico (TV title) | La maestra milagrosa |
Peru | Ana de los milagros |
Peru (TV title) | La maestra milagrosa |
Poland | Cudotwórczyni |
Portugal | O Milagre de Anne Sullivan |
Serbia | Čudesni radnik |
Sweden | Miraklet |
Soviet Union (Russian title) | Сотворившая чудо |
Turkey (Turkish title) | Karanligin içinden |
Venezuela | La maestra milagrosa |
West Germany | Licht im Dunkel |
West Germany | Unter anderer Sonne |
İmdbid No
İmdb Puanı

- qsArthurPenn
- qsWilliamGibson'
- qsAnneBancroft'
- qsPattyDuke'
- qsVictorJory'
- qsAnneBancroft
- qsVictorJory
- qsingaSwenson
- qsAndrewPrine
- qsKathleenComegys
- qsPattyDuke
- qsMaribelAyuso
- qsDaleEllenBethea
- qsJohnBliss
- qsGrantCode
- qsMichaelDarden
- qsMicheleFarr
- qsWilliamF.Haddock
- qsJackHollander
- qsAlanHoward
- qsJudithLowry
- qsHelenLudlam
- qsBeahRichards
- qsMadgeWest
- qsPlayfilmProductions'
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