Prison (1988) Türkçe Dublaj
31 Aralık 2016 Cumartesi

Prison (1988) Türkçe Dublaj
Film Özeti :
After Charles Forsyth was sent to the electric chair for a crime he didn't commit, he forever haunts the prison where he was executed. Flash forward several years when the prison is reopened, under the control of its new warden Eaton Sharpe, a former security guard who framed Charlie. When prisoners are ordered to break down the wall to the execution room, they unknowingly release the angry spirit of Charles Forsyth, a powerful being distributing his murderous rage to all, leading up to the Warden himself.-çeviri bekleniyor- Kaynak :
Film Künyesi
Film Adı
Prison (1988)
Alternatif Film Adları
Argentina (video title) | Prisión: Un paso adelante en terror |
Brazil (TV title) | Condenação do Além |
Brazil | Duro de Prender |
Spain | Presidio |
Finland | Vankila |
France | Prison |
Hungary | Börtönhalál |
Italy (video title) | Prison |
Poland | Wiezienie |
Serbia | Zatvor |
Sweden | Upplopp i Creedmore fängelset |
Soviet Union (Russian title) | Тюрьма |
West Germany | Prison - Rückkehr aus der Hölle |
- André De Shields
- Arlen Dean Snyder
- Chelsea Field
- Duke Spencer
- George Wallace
- Hal Landon Jr.
- Ivan Kane
- Jeff L. Deist
- Kane Hodder
- Lane Smith
- Larry Flash Jenkins
- Lincoln Kilpatrick
- Luciano Capozzoli
- Lyle D. Kelsey
- Matt Kanen
- Mickey Yablans
- Pat Noonan
- Rod Lockman
- Stephen E. Little
- Tom Everett
- Tommy 'Tiny' Lister
- Viggo Mortensen
İmdbid No
İmdb Puanı

- qsRennyHarlin
- qsirwinYablans'
- qsC.CourtneyJoyner'
- qsLaneSmith'
- qsViggoMortensen'
- qsChelseaField'
- qsViggoMortensen
- qsChelseaField
- qsLaneSmith
- qsLincolnKilpatrick
- qsTomEverett
- qsivanKane
- qsAndréDeShields
- qsTommyTinyLister
- qsStephenE.Little
- qsMickeyYablans
- qsLarryFlashJenkins
- qsArlenDeanSnyder
- qsHalLandonJr.
- qsMattKanen
- qsRodLockman
- qsJeffL.Deist
- qsKaneHodder
- qsGeorgeWallace
- qsLucianoCapozzoli
- qsDukeSpencer
- qsPatNoonan
- qsLyleD.Kelsey
- qsEmpirePictures'
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