The Man Who Never Was (1956) Türkçe Dublaj
31 Aralık 2016 Cumartesi

The Man Who Never Was (1956) Türkçe Dublaj
Film Özeti :
British Intelligence during World War II is trying to get the German High Command to shift it's forces away from Italy prior to the invasion. To create the illusion of a plan for England to invade Greece a dead body is to be procured, allowed to be found with secret papers on him by Spanish authorities who will send the papers on to the Germans, or that's the plan. First they have to find a body that will look drowned, and create an identity for him that will pass the examination of the German agent who is sure to check him out. Based on a true story. -çeviri bekleniyor- Kaynak :
Film Künyesi
Film Adı
The Man Who Never Was (1956)
Alternatif Film Adları
(original title) | The Man Who Never Was |
Austria | Der Mann, den es nie gab |
Brazil | O Homem que Nunca Existiu |
Denmark | Manden, der aldrig har levet |
Spain | El hombre que nunca existió |
Finland | Mies, jota ei ollutkaan |
France | L'homme qui n'a jamais existé |
Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title) | O anthropos pou den ypirxe pote |
Hungary | A sosemvolt ember |
Italy | L'uomo che non è mai esistito |
Mexico (TV title) | El espía que nunca existió |
Poland | Czlowiek, którego nie bylo |
Portugal | O Homem Que Nunca Existiu |
Sweden | Mannen som inte fanns |
Soviet Union (Russian title) | Человек, которого никогда не было |
Turkey (Turkish title) | Vatan borcu |
West Germany | Der Mann, den es nie gab |
- Allan Cuthbertson
- André Morell
- Brian Oulton
- Cicely Paget-Bowman
- Clifton Webb
- Cyril Cusack
- D.A. Clarke-Smith
- Everley Gregg
- Ewen Montagu
- François Périer
- Geoffrey Keen
- Gerhard Puritz
- Gibb McLaughlin
- Gloria Grahame
- Gordon Bell
- Joan Hickson
- John Welsh
- Josephine Griffin
- Laurence Naismith
- Lloyd Lamble
- Michael Brill
- Michael Hordern
- Michael Peake
- Miles Malleson
- Moultrie Kelsall
- Peter Sellers
- Peter Williams
- Richard Wattis
- Robert Brown
- Robert Flemyng
- Ronald Adam
- Stephen Boyd
- Terence Longdon
- William Russell
- William Squire
- Wolf Frees
İmdbid No
İmdb Puanı

- qsRonaldNeame
- qsEwenMontagu'
- qsNigelBalchin'
- qsCliftonWebb'
- qsGloriaGrahame'
- qsRobertFlemyng'
- qsCliftonWebb
- qsGloriaGrahame
- qsRobertFlemyng
- qsJosephineGriffin
- qsStephenBoyd
- qsLaurenceNaismith
- qsGeoffreyKeen
- qsMoultrieKelsall
- qsCyrilCusack
- qsAndréMorell
- qsMichaelHordern
- qsAllanCuthbertson
- qsJoanHickson
- qsTerenceLongdon
- qsGibbMcLaughlin
- qsMilesMalleson
- qsWilliamRussell
- qsWilliamSquire
- qsRichardWattis
- qsRonaldAdam
- qsGordonBell
- qsMichaelBrill
- qsRobertBrown
- qsD.A.Clarke-Smith
- qsWolfFrees
- qsEverleyGregg
- qsLloydLamble
- qsEwenMontagu
- qsBrianOulton
- qsCicelyPaget-Bowman
- qsMichaelPeake
- qsGerhardPuritz
- qsFrançoisPérier
- qsPeterSellers
- qsJohnWelsh
- qsPeterWilliams
- qsSumarProductions'
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