Star Trek S01E10 The Corbomite Maneuver (1966) Türkçe Dublaj
31 Aralık 2016 Cumartesi

Star Trek S01E10 The Corbomite Maneuver (1966) Türkçe Dublaj
Film Özeti :
On a mission of exploration, Kirk destroys a warning buoy at the edge of space controlled by a mysterious alien race. In response, the Enterprise is met by an extremely powerful ship that plans on destroying the Enterprise. Kirk bluffs his way out of this destruction by letting the aliens think that if the Enterprise is destroyed that they will also be destroyed by the fallacious Corbomite device. A subsection of the alien ship, the Fesarius (captained by the fierce looking Balok), then takes the Enterprise in tow. After presumably disabling the Fasarius, Kirk then returns to aid the seemingly hostile aliens. However, the alien's hostile nature (as well as the appearance) is a ruse to test the character of the humans, and Kirk has passed the test.
Film Künyesi
- Anthony D. Call
- Bill Blackburn
- Bruce Mars
- Clint Howard
- DeForest Kelley
- Eddie Paskey
- Ena Hartman
- Frank da Vinci
- George Takei
- Gloria Calomee
- Grace Lee Whitney
- James Doohan
- Jeannie Malone
- John Gabriel
- Leonard Nimoy
- Majel Barrett
- Mittie Lawrence
- Nichelle Nichols
- Ron Veto
- Sean Morgan
- Ted Cassidy
- Walker Edmiston
- William Shatner
İmdbid No
İmdb Puanı

- qsJosephSargent
- qsJerrySohl'
- qsGeneRoddenberry'
- qsWilliamShatner'
- qsLeonardNimoy'
- qsAnthonyD.Call'
- qsWilliamShatner
- qsLeonardNimoy
- qsAnthonyD.Call
- qsClintHoward
- qsDeForestKelley
- qsGraceLeeWhitney
- qsGeorgeTakei
- qsJamesDoohan
- qsNichelleNichols
- qsMajelBarrett
- qsBillBlackburn
- qsGloriaCalomee
- qsTedCassidy
- qsFrankdaVinci
- qsWalkerEdmiston
- qsJohnGabriel
- qsEnaHartman
- qsMittieLawrence
- qsJeannieMalone
- qsBruceMars
- qsSeanMorgan
- qsEddiePaskey
- qsRonVeto
- qsDesiluProductions'
- qsNorwayCorporation'
- qsboxset
- nfaStarTrekTvSeries
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