Kenny Rogers As The Gambler (1980) Türkçe Dublaj
31 Aralık 2016 Cumartesi

Kenny Rogers As The Gambler (1980) Türkçe Dublaj
Film Özeti :
Brady Hawkes, The Gambler, receives a letter from his son indicating he needs help. This sends Brady to the rescue. Along the way Brady meets up with Billy Montana, a young man who thinks he knows everything about playing cards. Brady teaches Billy a few lessons along the way and they end up forming a strong friendship and team up together.
Film Künyesi
Film Adı
Kenny Rogers As The Gambler (1980)
Alternatif Film Adları
The Gambler | |
Spain | El jugador |
Finland | Pokerihai ja pyssymies |
France | Kenny Rogers, le joueur |
Greece | Ο χαρτοπαίκτης |
Hungary | A nagy hazárdőr |
Norway | The Gambler |
- Borah Silver
- Bruce Boxleitner
- Bruce M. Fischer
- Cathy Worthington
- Charles Knapp
- Christine Belford
- Clinton James Austin
- Clu Gulager
- David S. Cass Sr.
- Earl W. Smith
- Ed Bakey
- Edward Walsh
- Garth Shaw
- Harold Gould
- Jerry Wills
- Kenny Rogers
- Lance LeGault
- Lee Paul
- Lee Purcell
- Lew Brown
- Marianne Gordon
- Neil Summers
- Nick Lewin
- Noble Willingham
- Robert Lussier
- Ronnie Scribner
İmdbid No
İmdb Puanı

- qsDickLowry
- qsJimByrnes'
- qsCortCasady'
- qsKennyRogers'
- qsChristineBelford'
- qsBruceBoxleitner'
- qsKennyRogers
- qsChristineBelford
- qsBruceBoxleitner
- qsHaroldGould
- qsCluGulager
- qsLanceLeGault
- qsLeePurcell
- qsRonnieScribner
- qsNobleWillingham
- qsBruceM.Fischer
- qsBorahSilver
- qsLewBrown
- qsLeePaul
- qsRobertLussier
- qsEdwardWalsh
- qsMarianneGordon
- qsCathyWorthington
- qsCharlesKnapp
- qsEdBakey
- qsDavidS.CassSr.
- qsNeilSummers
- qsClintonJamesAustin
- qsNickLewin
- qsGarthShaw
- qsEarlW.Smith
- qsJerryWills
- qsKenKragenProductions'
- qsboxset
- nfaKennyRogersLegendOfTheGambler
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