Pillars of the Sky (1956) Türkçe Dublaj
30 Aralık 2016 Cuma

Pillars of the Sky (1956) Türkçe Dublaj
Film Özeti :
In Oregon Country, 1868, several tribes of Native Americans have been placed on a reservation north of the Snake River. Here Doctor Holden has built a church, and many of the tribes have accepted Christianity and Christian names. Sgt. Emmett Bell is in charge of maintaining order here. When the cavalry, under the command of Col. Stedlow, arrives, building a bridge across the river and intending to open a road across the reservation to areas north, some of the tribal chiefs feel their treaty has been violated. As the cavalry column advances into the reservation, Kamiakin vows to lead the tribes in battle against the encroaching white men. Written by Jeff Hole -çeviri bekleniyor- Kaynak : Filimadami.com
Film Künyesi
Film Adı
Pillars of the Sky (1956)
Alternatif Film Adları
(original title) | Pillars of the Sky |
Austria | Dem Tode entronnen |
Brazil | Pilastras do Céu |
Canada (English title) | Pillars of the Sky |
Denmark | Massakren ved Snake River |
Spain | Las columnas del cielo |
Finland | Punaisen taivaan alla |
France | Les piliers du ciel |
UK | The Tomahawk and the Cross |
Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title) | Kamiakin, o tromeros |
Greece (reissue title) | Ta matomena veli ton Apache |
Italy | I pilastri del cielo |
Portugal | Pilares do Céu |
Romania (literal title) | Pilonii cerului |
Sweden | Förbjudet land |
Turkey (Turkish title) | Iman kuvveti |
West Germany | Dem Tode entronnen |
- Alberto Morin
- Beulah Archuletta
- Bob Herron
- Bryson G. Liberty
- Charles Horvath
- Danny Borzage
- Dorothy Malone
- Felix Noriego
- Floyd Simmons
- Frank DeKova
- Gilbert Conner
- Glen Kramer
- Jeff Chandler
- Keith Andes
- Lee Marvin
- Martin Milner
- Maureen Hingert
- Michael Ansara
- Olive Carey
- Orlando Rodriguez
- Pat Hogan
- Paul Smith
- Philip Kieffer
- Ralph Votrian
- Richard Hale
- Robert Ellis
- Sydney Chaplin
- Terry Wilson
- Walter Coy
- Ward Bond
- Willis Bouchey
İmdbid No
İmdb Puanı

- qsGeorgeMarshall
- qsSamRolfe'
- qsHeckAllen'
- qsJeffChandler'
- qsDorothyMalone'
- qsWardBond'
- qsJeffChandler
- qsDorothyMalone
- qsWardBond
- qsKeithAndes
- qsLeeMarvin
- qsSydneyChaplin
- qsWillisBouchey
- qsMichaelAnsara
- qsOliveCarey
- qsCharlesHorvath
- qsOrlandoRodriguez
- qsGlenKramer
- qsFloydSimmons
- qsPatHogan
- qsFelixNoriego
- qsPaulSmith
- qsMartinMilner
- qsRobertEllis
- qsRalphVotrian
- qsWalterCoy
- qsAlbertoMorin
- qsRichardHale
- qsFrankDeKova
- qsTerryWilson
- qsPhilipKieffer
- qsGilbertConner
- qsBeulahArchuletta
- qsDannyBorzage
- qsBobHerron
- qsMaureenHingert
- qsBrysonG.Liberty
- qsUniversalinternationalPicturesUi'
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