Song Without End (1960) Türkçe Dublaj

Song Without End (1960) Türkçe Dublaj
Song Without End (1960)

Song Without End (1960) Türkçe Dublaj

Film Özeti :

The romantic story of Hungarian pianist Franz Liszt (Dirk Bogarde), whose scandalous love affair forced him to abandon his adoring audiences.

Film Künyesi

Film Adı
Song Without End (1960)
Alternatif Film Adları
(original title) Song Without End
Argentina Una llama mágica
Brazil Sonho de Amor
Denmark Franz Liszt - kunstner og elsker
Spain Sueño de amor
Finland Rakkauden unelma
France Le bal des adieux
Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title) Franz Liszt
Italy Estasi
Mexico Una llama mágica
Poland Piesn bez konca
Portugal Sonho de Amor
Sweden På musikens vingar
Turkey (Turkish title) Sonsuz sarki
West Germany Nur wenige sind auserwählt
Yapım Yılı
İmdbid No
İmdb Puanı

10 / 6,1



Song Without End (1960)
  1. qsCharlesVidor
  2. qsGeorgeCukor
  3. qsOscarMillard'
  4. qsDirkBogarde'
  5. qsCapucine'
  6. qsGenevievePage'
  7. qsDirkBogarde
  8. qsCapucine
  9. qsGenevièvePage
  10. qsPatriciaMorison
  11. qsivanDesny
  12. qsMartitaHunt
  13. qsLouJacobi
  14. qsAlbertRueprecht
  15. qsMarcelDalio
  16. qsLyndonBrook
  17. qsWalterRilla
  18. qsHansUnterkircher
  19. qsErlandErlandsen
  20. qsAlexanderDavion
  21. qsKatherineSquire
  22. qsRobertWarwick
  23. qsFelixDvorak
  24. qsBessFlowers
  25. qsRayFoster
  26. qsLesterMatthews
  27. qsAbrahamSofaer
  28. qsLeolaWendorff
  29. qsWilliamGoetzProductions'