The Princess Academy (1987) Türkçe Dublaj
30 Aralık 2016 Cuma

The Princess Academy (1987) Türkçe Dublaj
Film Özeti :
Lowbrow humor is the feature in this slight comedy setting students at a finishing school against the snobbish and strict academians.
Film Künyesi
Film Adı
The Princess Academy (1987)
Alternatif Film Adları
Brazil (video title) | Academia de Prince$a$ |
Brazil | Academia de Princesas |
Finland | Levottomat ladyt |
Poland | Akademia ksiazeca |
Yapım Yılı
- Alex Cserhart
- Bader Howar
- Barbara Rousek
- Boris Buzancic
- Bozidar Smiljanic
- Britt Helfer
- Carole Davis
- Eric Viellard
- Eva Gabor
- Igor Serdar
- Jeremy Booker
- Kader Boukhanef
- Katoum Sadik
- Lar Park-Lincoln
- Lu Leonard
- Nada Abrus
- Nathalie Tarkowski
- Otokar Levaj
- Paul Venables
- Richard Paul
- Robin McCallum
- Shelley Pielou
- Vida Jerman
- Yolande Palfrey
- Zdenka Hersak
İmdbid No
İmdb Puanı

- qsBruceA.Block
- qsSandraWeintraub'
- qsEvaGabor'
- qsLuLeonard'
- qsRichardPaul'
- qsEvaGabor
- qsLuLeonard
- qsRichardPaul
- qsCaroleDavis
- qsLarPark-Lincoln
- qsBaderHowar
- qsBarbaraRousek
- qsBrittHelfer
- qsNathalieTarkowski
- qsShelleyPielou
- qsYolandePalfrey
- qsRobinMcCallum
- qsEricViellard
- qsigorSerdar
- qsJeremyBooker
- qsKaderBoukhanef
- qsPaulVenables
- qsVidaJerman
- qsBorisBuzancic
- qsZdenkaHersak
- qsOtokarLevaj
- qsBozidarSmiljanic
- qsNadaAbrus
- qsKatoumSadik
- qsAlexCserhart
- qsCloverleaf'
- qsJadranFilm'
- qsSofracima'
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