The Stepford Children (1987) Türkçe Dublaj
30 Aralık 2016 Cuma

The Stepford Children (1987) Türkçe Dublaj
Film Özeti :
In this sequel to The Stepford Wives, Steven and Laura Harding (along with their kids David and Mary) have moved to the quiet community of Stepford, CT. Steven joins the men's club, which is still assimilating their wives into robots. This time, they have begun to turn their out of control teens into robots as well. Once they are assimilated, they are obedient, homework loving, big band dancing droids. Laura, David, and Mary stumble onto this mystery, and they must avoid Steven's plans to turn them into robots.
Film Künyesi
Film Adı
The Stepford Children (1987)
Alternatif Film Adları
Spain | Los niños de Stepford |
Finland (video box title) | Stepfordin lapset |
Sweden | Barnen i Stepford |
West Germany | Die Kinder von Stepford |
West Germany (video title) | Genesis - Stadt der lebenden Toten |
- Amy Lynne
- Barbara Altz
- Barbara Eden
- Debbie Barker
- Dick Butkus
- Don Murray
- Erick Ratcliff
- Holly Dorff
- Jacqueline Lovejoy
- James Coco
- James Staley
- John Cameron Mitchell
- John Hostetter
- Judith Baldwin
- Ken Swofford
- Kim Scolari
- Michael Murray
- Pam Newman
- Pat Corley
- Patricia Darling
- Peter Elbling
- Philip Waller
- Pirie Jones
- Randall Batinkoff
- Raye Birk
- Richard Anderson
- Ronnie Carol
- Ryan Francis
- Sharon Spelman
- Sheryl Staples
- Tammy Lauren
- Toni Sawyer
İmdbid No
İmdb Puanı

- qsAlanJ.Levi
- qsWilliamBleich'
- qsiraLevin'
- qsBarbaraEden'
- qsDonMurray'
- qsTammyLauren'
- qsBarbaraEden
- qsDonMurray
- qsTammyLauren
- qsPatCorley
- qsKenSwofford
- qsRichardAnderson
- qsSharonSpelman
- qsJamesStaley
- qsRayeBirk
- qsDebbieBarker
- qsDickButkus
- qsJamesCoco
- qsRandallBatinkoff
- qsJohnCameronMitchell
- qsJudithBaldwin
- qsPeterElbling
- qsPirieJones
- qsMichaelMurray
- qsPamNewman
- qsJohnHostetter
- qsRonnieCarol
- qsToniSawyer
- qsBarbaraAltz
- qsAmyLynne
- qsRyanFrancis
- qsPhilipWaller
- qsPatriciaDarling
- qsErickRatcliff
- qsHollyDorff
- qsKimScolari
- qsSherylStaples
- qsJacquelineLovejoy
- qsEdgarJ.ScherickAssociates'
- qsTaftEntertainmentTelevision'
- qsboxset
- nfaStepfordCollection
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